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(Published within the last 60 days)

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  Item #   MP3 Date Message Title Speaker Category
6369 12/01/2024 Cultivating God's Indwelling Presence Nathan Zeiset Christian Life
6367 11/24/2024 Music That Edifies the Christian Carl Swartzentruber Music
6365 11/17/2024 Youth Testimonies Misc. Speakers Testimonies
6364 11/17/2024 Panel Discussion (Part 2) Misc. Speakers Youth
6363 11/17/2024 Panel Discussion (Part 1) Misc. Speakers Youth
6362 11/17/2024 Discerning God's Call to Service Stanley Sensenig Ministry
MYBS24 11/11/2024 Youth Bible School 2024 (MP3 Format on 1 CD) Misc. Speakers Youth
SET227 11/11/2024 * Godly Family Relationships (5 Tapes) Wilmer Horst Home & Family
SET226 11/11/2024 * Appreciating Our Anabaptist Culture (5 Tapes) Stanley Sensenig Historical Teaching
SET225 11/11/2024 * For God So Loved...John 3:16 (5 Tapes) Jesse Hurst Salvation
6360 11/15/2024 * I Am Not Ashamed Aaron Hurst Consecration
6359 11/14/2024 * Cross of Christ, The Aaron Hurst Cross, The
6358 11/12/2024 * Possessing Our Vessel Aaron Hurst Sanctification
6357 11/11/2024 * Foundation of Salvation, The Aaron Hurst Salvation
6356 11/15/2024 * Godly Living in Our Brokenness Wilmer Horst Cross, The
1 2 3 of 3    Records per page           
Records:  36 

*Items marked with an asterisk are also available on CD in the MP3 format.
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