Message Detail

Title Conscientious Objectors Encouragement Meeting
Subtitle or Event  
Speaker Misc. Speakers
Date Sat. Aft, April 1, 2023
Category Nonresistance
Description In this afternoon meeting sponsored by the Conservative Anabaptist Service Program (CASP), Johnny Miller shares about his time in I-W service, and Frank Reed gives a history of conscientious objectors to war. This is followed with presentations by officials from the Selective Service System, mock draft board interviews, and Brother Kent's testimony of his time in the Navy, and beyond.
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  Note! These links point to the same MP3 file as part 1 of this message, since they have been combined into one file.
Index {INDEX}
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Speaker {SPEAKER}
Description {MSG_DESCRIPT}
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Messages Included in This Set

Item #   MP3 Number Title
3 0 Tape and Tract Evangelism
6 0 Sin of Pride
7 0 Hymn Sing
36 16 Marks of the End-Time Church
41 2 Faith or Feelings?
68 0 The Spirit of Falling Away
70 5 The Holy War
78 5 Old Time Religion
80 6 Overcoming Satan and the World
110 0 Spiritual Gifts
129 0 Marks of a Cult
152 0 Feetwashing Ordinance
154 1 Biblical Basis for Home Schooling
155 2 Schooling Readiness and Socialization
156 3 Educational Advantages of the Home
157 4 How to Begin a Home School
158 5 Instruction and Discipline
159 6 Study and Instruction (Side 1) Three R's (Side 2)
160 7 History-Heritage-Family Storytelling
161 8 Home School Support System
171 1 Are You A Soulwinner?
172 2 How to Win a Soul
173 3 Drawing The Net
174 4 Attitudes That Defeat Us In Soulwinning
175 5 The Effective Use of Questions
187 9 The Home-Like School
188 10 Family-Style Evangelism
189 11 The Family Business
190 12 Laws And Legal Options
191 0 Seven Youthful Lusts
203 2 My People Are Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge
209 1 Heart Christianity
219 0 The Joyful Sound Versus Tension Music
220 0 The Fear of God Versus Fallen Music
233 0 Nonresistance
237 7 To the Parents of the Last Child
239 0 A Clear Conscience
246 0 Debate With a Jehovah's Witness
259 1 The Testimony of Jesus
260 1 The Rise of Anabaptism
261 2 Gelassenheit—The Way of the Cross
262 3 Anabaptist View of the Church
268 0 Couple's Night
282 3 Pressing Toward The Mark
285 1 The Role Of Demons In Today's Society
286 2 The Role Of Demons In Today's Society
287 3 The Role Of Demons In Today's Society
288 4 The Role Of Demons In Today's Society
292 5 The Role Of Demons In Today's Society
293 6 The Role Of Demons In Today's Society
313 10 The Old-Fashioned Christian Home
314 1 War on the Saints
316 0 Healing—An Honest Look at the Subject
317 2 Principles of Spiritual Warfare
326 0 Sins of the Fathers
341 4 Practical Applications to Music
354 0 Traditions—A Blessing or a Curse?
355 0 Hymn Sing (Part 1)
356 0 Hymn Sing (Part 2)
369 0 I've Been Criticized
409 0 To Question or Not to Question (Discernment)
435 0 The Other Half Of The Christian Life
439 4 One Mighty Weapon
440 0 A Tool in Your Hand (Fasting)
442 1 A Beautiful Place To Stand
467 6 A Safe Way To Walk
471 4 The Authority of the Believer
474 0 Bible Pictures of Hell
480 6 Love With Shoes On
483 6 When God Stepped Down From Heaven
484 0 The Fire Bearers
485 0 Ambassadors For Christ
486 0 The Shadow Of Death
488 3 Faith In God
492 4 The Greatest Manifestation Of God's Glory
494 4 To Know The Living God
498 0 True Separation
504 1 Introduction To Public Speaking
505 2 The Structure And The Building Of A Message
506 3 Methods Of Gleaning
507 4 Special Insights For Ministry
508 5 Delivery Of The Message
509 1 Introduction And Vision (Leadership)
510 2 Nehemiah The Leader (Part 1)
511 3 Nehemiah The Leader (Part 2)
512 4 Practical Applications To Leadership
513 5 A Spiritual Leader Will Have A Radiant Wife
514 1 Introduction To Counseling
515 2 Counseling Seekers (Part 1)
516 3 Counseling Seekers (Part 2)
517 4 Counseling The Oppressed
518 5 Home And Marriage Counseling
519 1 Anabaptist Christians (Part 1)
520 2 Anabaptist Christians (Part 2)
521 3 Russian Christians
522 4 Early Church Fathers
523 5 Other Great Christians
527 4 Teaching Godly Values To Children
538 0 I Stand Amazed At Jesus