March/April 2002
In This Issue...
- Dying to Live
by Mannie Troyer - Home Histories: A.T. Pierson
by Denny Kenaston - Separating from the Fashions of the World
by Charles Finney - Young Ladies and Their Thought Life
by Rachel Deatherage - Sharpened Words for Little Ones
by Denny Kenaston - The Hidden Man of the Heart
by Denny Kenaston - The Blessing Corner: Treasures of Darkness
by Christine Lamicela - Humility
by Tammy Wollman Stoltzfus - A Spiritual Exercise: Three Days of Corporate Prayer and Fasting
by Denny Kenaston - In the Day of Thy Power by Arthur Wallis
Book Review by Andrew Weaver - Our Volunteer Family
by Denny Kenaston
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