Charity Gospel Tape Ministry &
The Heartbeat of The Remnant
Greetings in the name of our coming King, “Lord Jesus Christ.” It is hard to believe that eight months of the new year have already passed. We have a saying at our house that explains why time goes by so quickly. We say, “Life is full.” We do not say life is busy, because our lives overflow with beautiful blessings; so instead, we say, “It is full.” This is a good way to describe the work at the Tape Ministry and The Remnant publication over the last months. Life is full and running over. Blessings abound on every hand. Souls are coming to salvation, families are being transformed and God’s people are seeking higher ground. God is raising up dozens of families every week, who are marching to the beat of a different drum. We received the picture on this page some time ago. I have been saving it to use in one of these ministry updates. Even the little ones spend time gazing at the pictures in The Remnant.
We stand amazed at God’s faithful provision for this ministry. We have our ups and downs and times when we are not sure how we will make it; however, God always comes through. This is kind of like real life for most of us. We never lack what we need. Thank you for all of your help. Many of you give, and many more of you pray. We are grateful for both. We receive many letters that state how much you pray for us. Thank you. Every aspect of the ministry is on the increase. The number of tapes we sent out is far ahead of last year’s totals. We are at 133,000 so far this year. The Remnant subscription gains 200 subscribers with each new printing. Moreover, the Charity Ministries website activity has doubled in the last few months. Please keep praying, there are many adversaries.
New Tape Set
We have a new series of tapes available from our weekend of meetings in August. Revelation’s Timeless Doctrines is the title of the tape set. It will stimulate your thinking and challenge your end time theology. This set offers a very practical look at the book of Revelations. It’s emphasis is not on interpreting the signs and symbols of the book, but rather on applications that challenge us to get ready and stay ready. The teaching follows the patterns of “two’s” in Revelation: two Kings, two Kingdoms, two people, two cities, two women and many more.
-Bro. Denny
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