Charity Gospel Tape Ministry
& The Heartbeat of The Remnant
January–March 2003 Financial Report
As I look over the quarterly financial report for the Tape Ministry and the Remnant, my heart fills with praise and gratitude. The year is moving by very fast, and once again, God is blessing the work above what we could ask or think. The tapes continue to go out in record numbers. The letters of blessings and changed lives keep coming in. And God continues to expand His work into far distant fields, and with people who have not known us before. Thank You Lord, and thank you to all who support this ministry.
I will express a few needs that we have at present, things that require more
than normal financial flow. We are in need of upgrading some
of our equipment at the ministry offices. We need several flat
computer screens for some of the work stations. We are told
that these kind of screens are much easier on the eyes. Some
of the workers spend hours gazing into these screens. It is
needful to get them the better screens. In addition to this,
we are needing to make a few major changes in office construction
and expansion. If some of you dear supporters feel led to help
with this project, we would be very grateful.
—Bro. Denny
New Tape Sets
We have two new tape sets that have been added to the list of available tapes. I believe you will find them very practical and helpful. In these days when many are departing, it is always refreshing to find practical, Biblical teaching. The brethren at Hope Christian Fellowship in Loveland, CO, hosted a Leadership Seminar in April. These two sets come from those sessions.
The Man and His Finances by Mose Stoltzfus
This is a very practical set of messages on Biblical finances. Mose covers many different aspects of this vast subject. It is by no means complete, but very helpful counsel for us men. There is counsel on debt, foolish spending, the curse of the credit card, and the dangers of materialism.
The Man and His Home by Denny Kenaston
This set covers several aspects of Christian leadership, and how it relates to our homes. Some of the subjects covered are: The father’s priestly role in the home, The father’s role as a teacher, Gentle fathers, loving husbands, and more. Good stuff for men.