Let Your Bucket Down!

(Author unknown 1890’s)

Let Your Bucket Down!The great river Amazon pours out so mighty a stream of fresh water into the Atlantic, that for miles, out of sight of land, just opposite the mouth of the river, the water in the ocean is entirely fresh water. Some years ago a sailing ship left Europe for a South American port, and, through storm and mishap, was so long on its voyage, that the water on board began to give out; and though the crew took every care, they shortly found themselves with their last tank or cask empty.

A day or two later, becalmed in a hot climate, to their great joy and relief they sighted another vessel, and when near enough to signal, they ran up their flags telling of their piteous position: “We’re dying for want of water.” To their astonishment, the reply, which came back quickly, seemed almost to mock them: “There is water all around you; let your bucket down!” Little did they know that they were just then crossing the mighty Amazon’s current, and instead of being in salt water they were actually sailing in fresh water without even knowing it.

Water all around! Fellow traveler, you may be crying out, “What must I do to be saved?” little realizing that the ocean of God’s love is all around you. Oh! “Let your bucket down!”

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