Charity Gospel Tape Ministry Report
Greetings of love in Jesus’ name to all our faithful supporters. So many of you have sent us letters of encouragement, prayed for us continually, and given to keep this ministry going. I wish I could share with you all the stories I receive as I travel across the country.
I think of the man who came up to me after a meeting to share how he was introduced to the tape ministry. He was doing his laundry at a local Laundromat, and noticed a Charity Gospel Tape lying in the trashcan. It was a low time for him, and his heart was searching the Lord for answers, and direction. He reached in through the rubble, and picked up the tape, listened to it, and his life has never been the same.
Then there was the dear sister who found a set of Godly Home tapes at the local Salvation Army thrift store for one dollar. She and her husband had been searching for answers to some of the problems in their home. God opened their eyes and the home was transformed in a matter of months.
I will share one more with you. We received a letter from a man who was so encouraged about the tape ministry. He sent his wife to a curriculum fair for some needed books for the next school year. They had very little money but bought what they could with their small income. His wife came upon John & Anna Weaver’s tape ministry table and they encouraged her to take what she thought they could use and not to worry about the cost. When she arrived home with more than expected, they sat down to listen to these free tapes. As they listened, they both began to weep. The messages bore witness in their hearts to the truths that God had been showing them. But everyone was telling them they were getting too extreme.
Space will not allow me to tell of the countless fathers who testify of the impact the tapes have on them as they listen on the way to work. Many men have said, “I just had to stop the car, and weep for a while as God convicted me of my needy heart.”
I share these testimonies with you to bless you and assure you of a sound investment in the Kingdom of God. Your prayers and financial support are having a tremendous influence in this world. As I read the many letters, I realize again, “This ministry is one of the most effective ones dollar-per-dollar that I have ever seen.”
Once again, thank you for all your help and support. We could not do it without your help.
New Tape Set!
Set 140: The Church—God’s Holy Witness on Earth, by Denny Kenaston
This is a new series of tapes preached at two different locations. Bro. Denny was asked to preach on the biblical doctrine of the church. These twelve sermons cover many aspects of the New Testament church. They will be especially helpful to new groups who are trying to come together with a unified vision. There is a nice balance of instruction, challenge, vision, and practical church life. The titles are listed below. Enjoy.
The Rise and Fall of God’s House (#3368)
Four Men With a Vision (#3369)
Vital Signs in a New Church (#3370)
God’s Holy People (#3371)
The Beauty and Power of Unity (#3372)
My Place in God’s Eternal Purpose (#3373)
How to Build a Church (#3374)
Prophetic Prayers of the Master Builder (#3375)
The Church Beautiful (#3376)
The Church at Ephesus (#3377)
The Anointed Body of Christ in China (#3072)
The Church, A Habitation Of God (#1607)
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