
Precious Letters from Our Readers

We thank God for the many letters of counsel and encouragement we have been receiving. It is the only way we can evaluate our progress. Keep them coming. Our desire is to foster a free flow of edification, inspiration and burden from us to you, and you to us. This way we can pass some of the blessings on to the others who are reading. We would love to hear from you in any of the following ways:

Waiting to hear… --The Editors

Dear Friends,

Thank you for the good work that you are doing in sending out the words of life. There is much that I can testify about my life as a result of reading your materials and listening to Charity Gospel Tapes.

My heart will be at rest or peace when the work of Charity will start in Kenya. I’m still praying that God will make it possible. What I have read and listened to I would like it to reach many who are in need of the true Word of God

I know there are many missions and churches in Kenya but I can testify that what I have tasted with you, I can liken it to the account of Jesus and the Samaritan woman. No other wells could have solved her problem but when she drunk from Jesus’ well, all was settled.

God bless you and strengthen you in the work.

Musungu, Kenya

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Dear Sir

We would hereby just like to thank you for sending us ‘The Heartbeat of the Remnant’.

We have been truly blessed by it. Here in Namibia we have a small fellowship of believers and have been sharing many of the articles among the brethren. We can only testify that the Spirit of the Lord makes us all part of His body in Christ, because we are of the same mind.

May the Lord bless you as you give so freely that which you have received.

Yours sincerely in Christ,
Llewellyn and Roline

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