Thank you for your publication. With each issue I learn more about you folks. I especially love to read the articles by Rachel Weaver. I feel like she knows me, and it causes conviction with tears. Just to let you know...I don’t think that your title “The Heartbeat of the Remnant” sounds haughty. Thanks again.
L. Walker
South Carolina
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Dear brothers in Christ,
May God bless you as you seek to nourish, edify, warn, and comfort fellow believers in these last days. We appreciate your endeavor to achieve a balance in your magazine between reminding us of the security and protection we have in Christ on the one hand, and challenging us to take our responsibility in being alert to the dangers around us. “How to trust God without being a Calvinist” and “Tribulation Worketh” were both a real encouragement to us. Editing a magazine, with a diverse audience, requires much spiritual wisdom and Holy Spirit anointing. We pray that this anointing would continue in your magazine, and that our Lord would spare you from discouragement or pride. How about an article regarding “The Age of Internet in an Age of Grace”?
God keep you close to Himself!
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I have been getting the Remnant magazine for over a year. I have found it to be spiritually challenging and edifying. Your selection of articles have been a blessing and frequently unusually timely—especially those by old time saints. Given the shallowness of Christian experience in Christendom today, they are a breath of fresh (Holy Spirit anointed) air. Thank you for your stress on faith and holiness. Thank you for tackling some of the more controversial issues confronting the church today. Thank you for doing it in a straightforward, yet modest way. I am persuaded that you must spend much time investigating and praying over what you put in the magazine.
Your servant in Christ
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Thank you for your most recent issue of The Remnant. I especially appreciated Mary Yoder’s testimony and the piece by brother Dean on Calvinism. Mary’s experience again helped me to realize how important it is for church members to recognize and get rid of childhood baggage. Jesus stands ready to take our burdens and cleanse us.
A Sister from Georgia
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