Special Edition 2007
In This Issue...
- From the Editor...
by Dean Taylor - Revival at Any Cost!
by Greg Gordon - Duncan Campbell on the Lewis Revival
- A Motivating Vision for Our Homes
by Denny Kenaston - A Message to the World
by Evan Roberts - A Mother's Heart Cry
by Rachel Weaver - Charity Gospel Tape Ministry
- Revivals That Stay
by E. M. Bounds - Thoughts on the Martyrs Mirror
by Dean Taylor - The Dungeon of the Soul
by Dean Taylor - The Pursuit of Godly Seed by Denny Kenaston
A Book Review by Dean Taylor - How Do We Prepare Our Youth Girls for the Future?
by Helen Leibee - The Christian's Pet Sin
by Ronald Williams - Shall I Enter the Army? Moody Said "No"
- Revival Terminology in History
by Richard Owen Roberts
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