October/November/December 2009
In This Issue...
- From the Editor
by Dean Taylor - Social Networking—A Blessing or a Curse?
by Aaron Hurst - Tool? or Toy?
by Mike Atnip - Bondage in Freedom
by Rick Hess - The Christian's Bill of Rights
- As Jesus Loved
by Viola J. Berg - True Patriotism
by John Newton - Face the Battle Singing
by Lewis Beachey - Made Alive by the Blood!
by Mike Atnip - Did You Know?
by Dean Taylor - The Sister's Corner: A Servant's Role
by Rachel Weaver - "You Won't Find Those Here . . ."
by Dean Taylor - Seeds of the Kingdom
Interview with David Bercot - Only a Servant by Kristina Roy
Book Review by David Markwood - God's People Keep Singing: Ode to the King
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I want you . . .
. . . to send your songs, poems, and articles to The Remnant for publication. If this magazine is to truly be the "heartbeat" of God's faithful remnant, then it should include current samplings of what God is doing among His people. Send materials to:
The Heartbeat of the Remnant
400 W Main St Ste 1
Ephrata, PA 17522