July/August 2011
In This Issue...
- From the Editor
by Dean Taylor - The Cross Dynamic
by Arlin Weaver - Rumble, Rumble, Rattle . . . Kalunk!
by Mike McDaniel - Voices from the Early Church: Cyprian, to the Unmarried Sisters
- Beyond the Bible
by John Mark Weaver - Created for Worship
based on a message preached by Paul Lloyd - Who Is This?
adapted from an unknown author by Mark Brubaker - The Sisters' Corner: My Career . . . Or His?
- The Renewing of the Mind
by Stephen Geise - And God Said “No”
by Claudia Minden Weisz - The Theology of Anabaptism by Robert Friedmann
book review by Mike Atnip - God's People Keep Singing: To Be Like Thee
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