The Reasons Why …
Christian Families Will NOT ALLOW Television in Their Homes
I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes; I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me. Ps. 101:3
Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing. De. 7:26
Abstain from all appearance of evil. 1 Th. 5:22
Then said I unto them, Cast ye away every man the abominations of his eyes, and defile not yourselves with the idols of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. Ez. 20:7
- TV subtly establishes a carnal and worldly standard of values in the mind of every viewer.
- It promotes HUMANISM as the religion of the world.
- It advocates child rebellion to all authority—home, church, school, and civil.
- TV subtly teaches fornication, adultery, and homosexuality as acceptable alternative lifestyles.
- TV daily parades divorce as the normal solution to marital conflict, and openly suggests that marriage is obsolete.
- TV by example suggests violence as a vent for anger and frustration.
- TV offers a high mental diet of terror, bloodshed, brutality, and violence.
- TV becomes the language instructor of the home; teaching base, vulgar, and unwholesome terms of speech.
- TV has become the CRIME IDEA BANK of the 20th century, familiarizing the general public with the most modern and sophisticated criminal plans and tools needed to rob, terrorize, and devastate civilization. These ideas and products are slowly demonstrated and carefully explained, down to fine details.
- TV is pornographic, with no standard of modesty or decency.
- TV openly promotes the sinful fantasy of extramarital arrangements.
- TV is used to bait people and instill in them a curiosity for the occult.
- TV is as addictive as alcohol, tobacco, or drugs.
- TV is a mind trap, using the unusual and exciting as a lure to draw the attention into the mind-mangling machine.
- TV will establish the “NORM” in your home that everything else is evaluated
Much of the news on TV is either biased, half truth, or a complete lie.
- If TV is your “NORM,” then the Bible will subtly be relegated to the category of the abnormal.
- TV is the Roman coliseum of the 20th century, where multitudes flock to be entertained on gore.
- Much of the news on TV is either biased, half truth, or a complete lie.
- The moral standard of TV has always been regulated by the demands of the demoralized majorities.
- Mass media and subliminal seduction are tools being used today as political steam-rolling machines.
- Why are so many people blinded and bound by television? It is the same spirit that Eve surrendered to in the garden. Genesis 3:6: “When the woman saw that the tree … was pleasant to the eyes …” The LUST OF THE EYES is a powerfully curious and egocentric enemy of righteousness.
- TV openly and completely contradicts Philippians 4:7-8: “And the peace of God,
which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ
Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are …”
- True—TV is filled with lies, bias, and deception.
- Honest—TV is dishonest, approving of sin and openly accepting the dishonorable as desirable.
- Just—TV allows the wicked wealthy to profit at the cost of a warped and twisted generation.
- Pure—TV content is as corrupt as a cesspool.
- Lovely—Research has proven that godly love cannot be portrayed over TV. It is much more adapted to a portrayal of hatred and violence.
- Of good report—TV is known worldwide for its high diet of BAD NEWS.
- If there be any virtue—TV is the devil’s campaign agent for immorality.
- If there be any praise—The name of the Lord is blasphemed openly on TV.
- Think on these things—A child of God cannot obey Philippians 4:7-8 and watch TV.
(Taken from an old issue of The Sword and Trumpet)
Now the big questions ...
How much different is the Internet than television?
What will be the influence of Internet use in your church, 20 years down the road?
What will be the influence of Internet use in your family, 20 years down the road?
What will be the influence of Internet in your life, 20 years down the road?
The above questions can be summarized and answered by the one big question that we need to ask ourself:
Does my use of the Internet expand the kingdom of God, or detract from it? ~
And if thine eye offend thee,
pluck it out ...
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