The Heritage of the Faithful
Don’t forget your heritage,
Ye Christians of today,
For many others fought and wept,
While traveling this Way;
They feared and loved, they lived and died,
For the Almighty’s love,
They smoothed the paths we travel now,
Leading us above.
In the Roman days of old,
Apostles spread the news,
Of endless love for everyone,
Though they be Greek or Jews;
They rallied ‘round the cross of Christ,
And did not shrink or fear,
They lit the torch we carry now,
Burning bright and clear.
Through ‘Dark Ages’ they marched on,
A remnant small and weak,
The ‘Church’ fought hard against the ones
Who sat at Jesus’ feet;
They believed the love of Christ above,
And trusted in His plan;
The gates of Hell did not prevail–
God kept them in His hand.
When Reformation fires burned,
And many saw the Light,
When turmoil raged in Europe’s plains,
The wrong against the right,
Then hundreds followed Christ their King,
Through fire and the sword;
They, even in the face of death,
Would not deny the Lord.
The cross and banner of the Lamb
Has triumphed through the years.
The blessings we enjoy today
Were sown in blood and tears.
So don’t forget your heritage,
O followers of the Way–
Many others died for treasures
That are ours today.
—Claudia Esh
(Claudia is the daughter of Dave Esh, author of the article on Michael Sattler.)
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