March/April 2012
In This Issue...
- From the Editor
by Dean Taylor - That I May Dwell among Them
by Philip Hodson - Reigning in This Life—Song
by Daniel S. Warner - Kings to God: Grace Reigns through Righteousness!
by Andrew V. Ste. Marie - Deliverance from Witchcraft
Personal testimony of Lydiann Leid - Discerning “Old Wives' Fables”
- Radiesthesia
by Mike Atnip - 300-Million-Year-Old Coal and the Bible
by Mike Atnip - What the True Cross of Christ Is
by Johann Arndt - Sitting on Your Very Own Pity Potty
Author unknown - The Sisters' Corner—A Mother's Heart Cry
by Marcia Zimmerman - I Cannot Go with These
Author unknown - Konrad's Choice by Joanna F. Martin
Book review by Mike Atnip - Letters from Our Readers
- God's People Keep Singing—Overview of "Hymns of the Church"
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